Sunday, May 8, 2011

Curry Vegetable Filo Roll

Since filo pastry has less fat than shortcrust and puff pastry, it's my preferred pastry to use as you still have the flakey texture without feeling guilty about it later. I made these filo rolls for Mothers Day and it's super easy to make. I made 4 large rolls and 3 triangles with the left over pastry and filling.

For the filling, cook 6 potatoes (cubed), 2 carrots (cubed), 1 cup frozen peas and 1 cup corn kernels with 1 cup of stock. Sprinkle 1.5 teaspoons of curry powder and cook until the liquid is absorbed. Allow to cool.

Layer 4 sheets of filo pastry and brush with melted butter (since it was around 15*C in Melbourne, I had to microwave the butter a few times as it started to solidify). Spoon around 4 table spoons of filling and and fold the top of the pastry over before folding the two sides inwards. Continue rolling until you reach the end. Mum got the easy task of using scissors to cut some slits on top of the pastry. Really pretty!

Bake in the oven for around 20 minutes or until golden brown. Best eaten straight from the oven, and if you're Chinese drink some cooling tea to balance your yin-yang :)

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